Payroll Courses | Learn Payroll Skills - FC Training
Payroll Courses Training

"For aspirant Payroll Manager the payroll courses will provide full understanding of HMRC Payroll rules on most commonly used payroll software."

Payroll is one of the most requiring functions in an organization. These Payroll courses will aid you to acquire the principles behind the handling of company payroll. It is most suitable to those who have not ever worked or managed payroll before, so if you’re new to this job role and are seeing to work as a Payroll Clerk or Payroll Manager, this course is perfect.

Payroll Courses

These courses are generally available through practical training programs in accounting and bookkeeping, human resource administration and business administration at the associates. But we are in favor of a particular practical course. Some courses are also obtainable through certificate programs or as individual classes planned for professional development. The responsibility of a Payroll professional is to process and maintain payroll records, update records, produce reports on a monthly or weekly basis. You are required to have experience in using payroll software, such as Sage 50 Payroll. You are also required to have good knowledge of NIC, Statutory pay, and HMRC.

Future Connect training provides accountancy training for all types of accounting job roles, including Payroll. Our Payroll course is designed to help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in payroll.

Payroll Course Covers All The Essential Tasks Of A Payroll Officer:

  • Setting up a company in Sage Payroll
  • Recording existing employee details
  • Recording new employee details
  • Creating Pay Elements and Deductions
  • Assigning the loan scheme
  • Setting up holiday schemes, pensions schemes and company loan scheme
  • The steps of processing payroll: changing process date, entering payments, updating reports, processing leavers, and submitting FPS to HMRC
  • Adding deductions when procession payments, and other adjustments for the month/week
  • Generating different types of reports for each week/months: Pay slip, P35, P45, and payment summaries
  • Processing absences: Holiday, Statutory Pay (SMP, SPP, SSP)
  • Payroll year end: Submitting FPS (Full Payment Submission) to HMRC

Learning Objectives Of Payroll Courses

This course cover the practical as well as theoretical information to boost your understanding of each process involved in payroll.

  • You gain a good knowledge of PAYE operation, and their deductions included
  • The purpose of NIC (National Insurance Contribution) deductions, and the different classes of contribution
  • Employee’s personal allowance
  • Calculation of income tax
  • Tax year and tax rates
  • Joining workplace pensions
  • Understand and analyst various types of reports generated by Sage Payroll
  • Interests and Penalties involved in late submissions and reporting
  • Different forms for HMRC required to report employee benefits, NIC benefits etc

Real-Time Information Process:

Real-time information reporting is done in real time, which makes submitting PAYE more effective. You will be introduced to the different types of payment submissions: FPS (Full Payment submission), EPS (Employer Payment Submission), and NVR (National Insurance Verification Request). You will learn what the y are when to submit and how to prepare them.

Payroll Information Process

Payroll Diplomas And Certifications

Gain a certification edge on your accounting terms! Whether from home or in class, our one-of-a-kind certification packages give you the knowledge and skills employers request. Recruiters approve certification validates your payroll expertise and can rise your earning power!

Payroll Compliance Practitioner - PCP

Qualified and certified payroll specialists are in demand and PCP certification is the basis. Understand rule, keep your organization compliant, and influence the resources and backing of a community of over 43,000 members worldwide.

Certified Payroll Manager - CPM

CPM certification spreads your reach and uplifts your career. You’ll gain complete payroll obedience knowledge and management skills that will improve your job prospects and initiative career success.

Certified Payroll Professional –CPP

About the Exam

CPP exam is certified and offered in North America during the following period:

Spring 2020

  • Registration period: January 14 - April 17, 2020
  • Exam period: March 21 - April 18, 2020

Fall 2020

  • Registration sessions: July 7 - October 9, 2020
  • Exam sessions: September 5 - October 10, 2020

Exams controlled from September 14, 2019, to September 4, 2020, feature questions based on federal laws and regulations in the result as of January 1, 2019.For information on compelling the exam at APA’s Payroll Education Centers, internationally, and on military bases, consult the Candidate Handbook.

Preparing for the Exam

Several study bits of help are available as additional preparation for the CPP exam. No one study tool should be measured the only basis for assessment preparation. Successful candidates show that they trailed a minimum three-month course of study and review based on the CPP content outline and Understanding, Skills statements.

Candidates can attain study resources from the Training centers and / or join training preparation courses. Training centers offer training and resources in a variation of formats including:

  • Books
  • Online study materials
  • Practical Training courses
  • Online training
  • Webinars training sessions
  • Webinars courses on demand

Recertification by Exam

Persons who are currently preparing for CPP-certified. But they cannot get the CPP certification by continuing education requirements may apply for recertification over the examination, which needs them to take and pass the CPP exam during the schedule year in which their current CPP designation terminates. The experience and/or desires are adequate with the desired level of skill for the CPP title.

Career Roles:

Job roles you can apply, once completing the Payroll course:

  • Payroll Administrator
  • Accounting Clerk
  • Payroll Assistant
  • Office Manager
  • Human Assistant – HA
  • Personal Assistant
  • Accounts Assistant
  • Who may be responsible for processing Payroll

During your training at Future Connect Training, you will be given to give full support during your learning, with our staff to assist you at all time and workbooks and presentations. Once you complete our Payroll course, we will support you in finding the perfect job roles for you, with CV editing and job interview tips.

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